1.In an ideal world these measures would have been used only temporarily, until the private sector took over as the engine of growth.
2.In an ideal world, the pain of a structural-reform programme would be cushioned by an expansionary fiscal policy.
3.In an ideal world, the answer to such quandaries would be elections to produce a new leadership with a clear mandate.
4.But when I asked my students, if in an ideal world, would they want the government to get out of their lives, the unanimous response was no.
5.'In an ideal world, we'll be able to hold the current prices and recoup the gross margin we've lost, ' Mr. Wiseman said.
6.IN AN ideal world, there would be no barriers to immigration, just as there are increasingly few to the free movement of goods and capital.
7.In an ideal world, these capital inflows would be channelled into financing the infrastructure and productive resources in emerging states.
8.In an ideal world, we would not have to worry about this.
9.However, in an ideal world, a counsellor would be the first point of contact for all patients presenting for fertility treatment.
10.In an ideal world, we would want to test every possible permutation of a program. In most cases, however, this simply is not possible.